M masters Member May 28, 2011 #1 Anyone notice any problems with the ADW launcher? Seems like it slows things down and having a problem on redraw when you return to the menu.
Anyone notice any problems with the ADW launcher? Seems like it slows things down and having a problem on redraw when you return to the menu.
K kookk Member May 28, 2011 #2 I've noticed the opposite. I've only had one redraw and its been running much smoother than lp Sent from my DROID X2 using DroidForums
I've noticed the opposite. I've only had one redraw and its been running much smoother than lp Sent from my DROID X2 using DroidForums
R Redflea Silver Member May 28, 2011 #3 May want to try GoLauncher...my wife is using it on her X2 w/out that issue from what I've seen.
R Redflea Silver Member May 28, 2011 #5 I also switched from ADW back to Launcher Pro on my D2...ADW seemed to develop a lag.