Advanced Tast Killer


New Member
Aug 12, 2010
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So is this something I should keep or uninstall? Just curious that I read some stuff on it, but don't understand the function of it.
From what I read, when you select a task to kill it will reset those apps and basically that is more of a power then leaving the app running. Anyone please correct me if I am wrong.
From what I read, when you select a task to kill it will reset those apps and basically that is more of a power then leaving the app running. Anyone please correct me if I am wrong.

yup thats part of why theyre not useful - check out martins link to find out more
I'm going to buy the extended battery to prolong my usage, I'm tired of finagling over my settings to save power.
From what I read, when you select a task to kill it will reset those apps and basically that is more of a power then leaving the app running. Anyone please correct me if I am wrong.

Yes you have to know what youre killing but not killing a "rouge" application will kill your battery faster. I did not run USA today for more than 2 min after this issue I went back to using a task killer

Sent from my Droid X
Well like loading Flash, at least we have a choice. :)

I am quite comfortable using a task killer and too anal to let things run that I wont be using again till tomorrow.
Task killers on a Android are placebo. If it makes you warm and fuzzy, rock it. It is your phone. For the rest of us, we know a little better.
i dont see why it isnt mandatory to have a close button in these programs. like with last FM or the music player, you can only pause and there is no real way to stop it from running. also mobile skype that ive never even touched, social networking that i never use

why is this stuff running and why cant i stop it??
The claim that android needs no task management doesn't really stand up to examination. If you follow linux kernel dev work on the lkml mailing list, there is a huge fight over a feature android devs want meged into the main kernel called "suspend blockers". This is one feature android has for power management. The os tries to be smart about power, but application devs can still write code that behaves badly and wastes power. A task killer, used intelligently, can help the user with battery life and phone performance. If you want to learn some gory details, read the articles about suspend blockers.
The devs that write crap apps need to get with the program. I don't use a task killer because I don't use any apps that run in the background needlessly. Who wants to install apps that run in the background needlessly? Uninstall and contact the dev. Right? Would you tolerate a program on Windows that's running in the background for no good reason? I wouldn't.

Note: a task sitting idly in memory isn't using battery/CPU and is different from a task that is actively running in the background.
I would not run Windows but I am a bigot. I have been a Unix system manager/DBA for 20+ years.

All developers writing "good" apps? LOL NEVER gonna happen!!!!

This phone is just baby Unix box. I got it. ;)
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