Adjust Gallery


Silver Member
Dec 14, 2009
Reaction score
So I've been attempting to tidy up my gallery a bit and I haven't had any success.

When I go to picture gallery I currently have:

Camera Photos
Download Photos
Wallpaper Wizardrii Photos(Wallpaper App)
Edited Photos
Screenshot Photos
Instant Upload Photos(G+)
Scrabook Photos? Maybe G+
Profile Photos Again maybe G+
Not Working Photos ? lol

So, I'd like to pretty much get rid of all of them except Camera, Downloaded, Edited and Screenshots.

Any ideas or maybe there's an app that lets you combine galleries?

Appreciate any help, thanks.
Check out QuickPic for a gallery replacement. It's super fast and has options.
Not bad, Quickpic automatically got rid of the nonsense albums, so that's a plus. Thanks tgyberg, I'll see how I like it over the next few days and report back.