Starting ADB Server...
*daemon not running. stating it now on port 5037*
*daemon started successfully*
Waiting for device
And waiting...
Something must be wrong becuase I have not gotten past waiting.
I do have USB debugging connected...
What might be wrong?
OK I just opened a CMD prompt and typed adb devices
This is what I got in return.
C:\user\n0m0n>adb devices
List of devices attached
Does that mean ??? adb is working or isn't becuase I have my Droid2 and gTablet plugged in?
Now I have re-flashed my Droid2 with RSD Lite and the stock SBF already so I don't know why I can't get the PC to see or find the serial # of my device that is plugged in.
Can anyone advise?
*daemon not running. stating it now on port 5037*
*daemon started successfully*
Waiting for device
And waiting...
Something must be wrong becuase I have not gotten past waiting.
I do have USB debugging connected...
What might be wrong?
OK I just opened a CMD prompt and typed adb devices
This is what I got in return.
C:\user\n0m0n>adb devices
List of devices attached
Does that mean ??? adb is working or isn't becuase I have my Droid2 and gTablet plugged in?
Now I have re-flashed my Droid2 with RSD Lite and the stock SBF already so I don't know why I can't get the PC to see or find the serial # of my device that is plugged in.
Can anyone advise?