Accel Golf

LMD - Please let me know what you think! I see what you mean about the rangefinder. If you do tap and hold below the pin, it'll still lift up, and you can better see where it is hovering. We'll make this more clear later. Really appreciate the feedback!
LMD - Please let me know what you think! I see what you mean about the rangefinder. If you do tap and hold below the pin, it'll still lift up, and you can better see where it is hovering. We'll make this more clear later. Really appreciate the feedback!

Looks 100x better, much smoother and works well. On the website side things look better also, the clubs work now and the only suggestion I can give here is when you click the drop down menu, once a club is selected once you should have at the top of that menu something like "recently used" or something so that you don't have to scroll all the way to the bottom for all 12 clubs if it doesn't start with A. Also there are a lot of duplicated clubs such as the TM Burner, which isn't a big deal, just letting you know.

Also, as I stated on the site it would help a lot to not have to enter an e-mail for a player when adding by hand. I will use this program on the course here soon but haven't had much time to go out. Definitely a FANTASTIC free program, 5 stars!

I did notice on your site you mentioned v.1.0 and that v.2.0 was beta for android but on my phone it says v.0.2
Thank you for the feedback. Please keep it coming!

I'm passing along the club design input and the critique on the email requirement for adding a player.
I really hope this works well because it looks awesome and I've already gotten all my friends excited about it. I'll look silly if it's bad. Please get all the kinks worked out by spring. :)

It looks fantastic. Does this give instant feedback on distance of the last shot and distance to the green? Do you have to enter the next shot before you see it? How does that work?

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Delaen - Let us know if you give it a try! We're constantly making improvements. The rangefinder provides distance to the green, but we don't currently track shot distance. Is that something you'd like to see?

I really hope this works well because it looks awesome and I've already gotten all my friends excited about it. I'll look silly if it's bad. Please get all the kinks worked out by spring. :)

It looks fantastic. Does this give instant feedback on distance of the last shot and distance to the green? Do you have to enter the next shot before you see it? How does that work?

Delaen - Let us know if you give it a try! We're constantly making improvements. The rangefinder provides distance to the green, but we don't currently track shot distance. Is that something you'd like to see?

Yes, that'd be a killer feature. Go stand over your ball, hit a button, and it displays exactly how far the last shot was? That'd be amazing and I bet everyone would love it.
Delaen - Let us know if you give it a try! We're constantly making improvements. The rangefinder provides distance to the green, but we don't currently track shot distance. Is that something you'd like to see?

Yes, that'd be a killer feature. Go stand over your ball, hit a button, and it displays exactly how far the last shot was? That'd be amazing and I bet everyone would love it.

From there, with the awesome setup you guys have, it seems like it would be easy enough to calculate average distance with every club too. Drooling...
I think there software already does avg. club distance doesn't it? But the auto shot distance would be amazing.
I think there software already does avg. club distance doesn't it? But the auto shot distance would be amazing.

Maybe it does. It's been too cold around here to golf lately, so I don't know for sure what it does or doesn't do.

All I know is that every golfer I've mentioned the "how far was the shot I just hit" feature to has had a mini-orgasm at the thought, so I'm really hoping these guys (or someone else even) have that out there before it gets warm. :)

Guys, this feature will sell the app on it's own. I promise! There'll be something extremely viral about "hey, check this **** out! look how far I hit that!" and showing their friends the phone and your app after they hit a monster drive.
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Downloaded app yesterday and seems really cool.

I would agree that searching for courses by zip would be handy. I also noticed that the screen does not rotate when sliding out the keyboard on the course search screen.

I have not had a chance to use it on the course yet- does the range finder calculate distance to pin from current position on the hole or do you have to drag and drop the icon?

Also, not sure if it is possible, but being able to rotate the range finder map would be awesome.

The distance per club and auto-display previous shot distance ideas get 2 thumbs up from me.

I think it is great that the developer(s) monitor feedback on the forums and respond.
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I have not had a chance to use it on the course yet- does the range finder calculate distance to pin from current position on the hole or do you have to drag and drop the icon?

I too am wondering about this and can't really find any info on the website about it. I'm going out in 2 weekends for a big golf trip so if noone responds to this thread by then, then I will post what I find.
I've used Accel Golf about 4-5 times now. I think it is a great easy tool keeping track of your score. I like how it keeps track of a lot of golf stats to let me know how bad of a golfer I really am.

The range finder for the droid has not worked out at all for me. Since I walk, the droid touch screen often gets activated in my pocket so I purposely lock the screen after each shot, but the rangefinder becomes useless as well as avg distance per club. The times when I haven't locked the screen, the range finder will put a red marker on where I am, but doesn't list the distance to the green. I also tried using the distance per club but that function also has not worked for me.

Developer is very involved and does respond to a lot of feedback.