I currently have the BB Storm 1. I am due for an upgrade on Verizon. I have been patiently waiting for what is now known as the Dinc HD since I saw the pics on Phone Dog back in August. I have a friend who has the Evo and he absolutely loves the phone. I don't have any hands on experience with a droid phone. I have no desire to get into rooting the phone. Don't really understand the need to be honest, maybe someone could shed some light on that for me. If the Dinc HD does come to market in a couple of weeks I think will have answered the question I'm about to ask. Since I am a newbie which phone would be better, The Droid x or Incredible? I kind of like the thought of a bigger screen which makes me lean towards the X. Is there something I should be looking for when comparing the 2? Is one easier to adapt to than the other? Thank you in advance for any help in helping make a desicion.