A few questions before buying a droid


New Member
Mar 18, 2011
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ok, so I'm planning on buying my first smartphone but there are a few things I'd like to ask first.
1. I've heard android "integrates well" with google voice. Now I've only used google voice on my ipod touch. My question is that if I purchase a phone, say a thunderbolt, and I don't buy texting but I use google voice to text (via wifi / 4g) will I get charged extra?
Also, is google voice for android the same as ipod touch where you have to open it to see new texts, or does it alert you when you get texts?
2. If I don't buy the VZ Navigator service can I still use the google maps app? And does it provide step by step navigation liek a gps?
3. What are the advantages to rooting a droid? And how risky is it compared to jailbreaking your ipod, etc.?

I'll be posting more questions here as they come up XD. My bad if these are noobish questions heh
Answer to question 2) yes you can use Google maps without vz ,good luck , I love my Tbolt but you should also get an extended battery.

Sent from my ADR6400L using DroidForums App
ah kk ty for that, and how about google voice have you tried that?
Also, I've heard the tbolt's battery runs out after like 3 - 4 hours of use? Does it at least last a good 8 ~ 10 hours if you're only calling a few times and a little lite usage like checking your email every now n then?
My attempt at answering number 3 without retyping a lot...;)


This explains a little bit of the benefits....and risks...of rooting.

Google Maps is totally free and works better than VZ Navigator ever did....dump that crap and stick with GM

Google Voice works much better on Android then ipod IMO. My friend has an iphone 4....I have Droid 2, rooted, overclocked, ROM'd, themed, and tons of additions like Launcher Pro, Wavelauncher, Swipepad, and more....Brandon....my friend with the "i" loves my D2. Everything "Google" is much better and smoother.
oh....and I use both GV and the stock messengers....love em both and they work identically.

Think about it like this.....Google Voice....Google....Droid....Google....get it?
Battery is somewhat an issue for me I use gps ,web,text ,gmail,and phone calls throughout the day very heavy use with a 50/50 3g 4g coverage and still seem to get 5-6 hrs on a single 100% charge (stock battery) I also have a car dock which is very helpful ,1600mah batt. On fed ex truck as we speak .other than the batt. This is by far the very best phone I've owned and have even converted iPhone addicts ,hope that helps your decision.

Sent from my ADR6400L using DroidForums App
what android phones can you recommend to someone like me planning to buy. i don't know much about android phones. but i want android touch phones that can run google voice for speak to text and updating my fb by google voice.