Everything getting buggier? Especially GV


Nov 13, 2009
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Every day I use my phone, I feel as though it gets slightly buggier and laggier than the previous day.

Market force closing, typing and waiting more than a second for letters to show up, other force closes, menus hanging, etc....

Google Voice especially has been getting worse. There haven't been any updates since I got the phone and installed Google Voice. But I started out getting no force closes and no double texts, to a few double texts, to some more double texts and a couple force closes, gradually to what it is now:
Force closes at least 3-4 times a day, double texts probably 80% of the time, frequently "Failed to Send SMS", and another big one:
SMS not showing up for a long time, even though refresh is on 5 minutes and texts are also sent to my phone which is supposed to alert the GV app to fetch (at least it did in the beginning and still does sometimes). Frequently I would be surprised my friend hasn't responded (at this point I know to just keep checking), so I click the wake button, and only then will the text come in...

But the whole phone is buggy! not just GV.
Haven't dont the update yet, I'll do it soon, but it doesn't sound like it made the system that more stable.
Maybe I am just lucky but I haven't seen any of these things. Maybe you are running a particular app that is causing this problem for you. I wish there were a way to show software profiles of users having problems so we could try to identify commonalities to help troubleshoot.
Maybe I am just lucky but I haven't seen any of these things. Maybe you are running a particular app that is causing this problem for you. I wish there were a way to show software profiles of users having problems so we could try to identify commonalities to help troubleshoot.

might be the case... either you've got a bum Droid and need to exchange or some app is creating issues for you. shouldn't be 'buggy'. it'll have quirks (it is a first gen)
Maybe I am just lucky but I haven't seen any of these things. Maybe you are running a particular app that is causing this problem for you. I wish there were a way to show software profiles of users having problems so we could try to identify commonalities to help troubleshoot.

+1 I totally agree with this. The app that is giving you the problem is not necessarily the one that appears to be having a problem. I have had zero problems with my Droid other than the occasional loosing the weather information when in the desktop cradle (which I think is an Accuweather issue and not a Droid issue). Unlike my G1, I yet to find the phone laggy... ever.

Let me guess... are you using ATK? This has to be the worst app put out on the market. Oh, it works fine and does what it claims, but far too many people are obsessing over it and killing tasks without knowing why they are running because they think they need everything stopped... and then wonder why things don't work the way they are supposed to.

My point... look to what you have installed... because if everybody's phone was tanking the way your is, there are a lot of phones that would have been returned, and the Droid wouldn't be closing in on a million units.
there are actually a ton of people with this bug...

Which one do you mean when you say "this bug"?

Yes, I know GV has some issues, particularly with SMS... it has since it has been released. That is not new, nor is is "getting worse by the day" and certainly the phone has some issues (what dot O release doesn't? Even the almight JesusPhone has had patches to each and every version) the OP seems to be jumping to a lot of conclusion and laying blame (I think) in the wrong place.
I've just started having the same problems with GV and SMS. It's sending, but it's force closing and it's doing double texting. Same things yours is doing. I think it's GV that's the culprit.
new version 0.2.8 just came out last night please share with us if it fixes anything. I am trying it out now
ok for me it force closed and still sent a double text in landscape mode and also force closed upon text
ok so did some more tests I think this version fixed a bug having to do with the Droid os update 2.01 because after i updated i couldn't even send a text with the slide out keyboard without it crashing or just not sending the text. Now I can at least send text with the slide out keyboard without double texting or force closing. Virtual keyboard in landscape is still a bust....