A brick with a useless keyboard?


Nov 10, 2009
Reaction score
I wouldn't call this phone an iPhone killer. When I tested the Motorola at my local Verizon (VZ, news, msgs) store in the days after its release, the phone felt like a brick in my hand (that's not good, in case you were wondering), and the keyboard was close to useless. Also, inexplicably (well, it's not exactly inexplicable if you've followed the self-destruction of Motorola's once-great cellular phone business), the phone comes with a paltry 256 megabytes of memory for applications. That means the phone simply won't run most of the 10,000 or so applications available for Android phones. (By contrast, there are 80,000 or so apps for the iPhone.)
Jim Jubak - Has Apple blown its big chance? - MSN Money

Huh? A brick? 34 grams more than the iPhone and it feels like a brick?

Granted, the physical keyboard isn't stellar but "close to useless"?

And what's with saying it "simply won't run most of the 10,000 or so applications" because of the memory capacity? I usually like Jubak's articles but he surely doesn't seem very well informed here.

That is one of my pet peeves, people who talk about/give advice on technology that either haven't used it or just don't have the tech smarts to tell people about it. I usually listen to people like this and think what are they talking about.

Example: AT&T Uverse salesman was talking to my old neighbor and she goes, "Do you have 3G (for speed on Uverse) and he says "No, we're not that fast yet.. hahahah, lol.."
This is the best part;

"the phone comes with a paltry 256 megabytes of memory for applications. That means the phone simply won't run most of the 10,000 or so applications available for Android phones. (By contrast, there are 80,000 or so apps for the iPhone.)"

What a moron.