I recently rooted my RAZR XT912 using the method on this website and I used a SQL editor to change the hotspot ability so I could use it. Before I tried using the Editor I tried using the Barnacle and Dragon hotspots but they didn't work at all. The Barnacle error was: DHCP: Failed to parse '2001:4888:0003:fffe:00c0:0000:0003' for brncl_dhcp_dns2
NAT: restart: Network is down. (The network is NOT down)
NAT: Could not set MTU of rmnet1: Invalid argument
Any other hotspot "app" doesn't work at all. So I tried the default hotspot app that comes shipped with the phone and it kind of works. Kind of meaning i can only access the Verizon webpage but nothing else, the app also crashes constantly.
As of right now Iam using PDANet but I want to be able to create a hotspot to share.
NAT: restart: Network is down. (The network is NOT down)
NAT: Could not set MTU of rmnet1: Invalid argument
Any other hotspot "app" doesn't work at all. So I tried the default hotspot app that comes shipped with the phone and it kind of works. Kind of meaning i can only access the Verizon webpage but nothing else, the app also crashes constantly.
As of right now Iam using PDANet but I want to be able to create a hotspot to share.