changed the low memory killer settings from 8-12-24-28-32-32 to 6-10-22-28-32-32 & it fixed the issue, I also moved adw into the data/app from the system/app & that fixed it to, even with the mem kill settings at 8-12-24-28-32-32...
There are two market apps u can use Auto memory manager & the one I use Autokiller memory optimizer..after installed, go into its settings & enable advanced mode, MAKE sure to keep "set at boot" UNCHECKED, until u are 100000% sure ur settings are good to go, in fact I always leave it unchecked, the wrong settings can really cause issues, but a reboot will reset them back to ur roms default.....there is a good read about this over at xda let me see if I can find the link.
There are two market apps u can use Auto memory manager & the one I use Autokiller memory optimizer..after installed, go into its settings & enable advanced mode, MAKE sure to keep "set at boot" UNCHECKED, until u are 100000% sure ur settings are good to go, in fact I always leave it unchecked, the wrong settings can really cause issues, but a reboot will reset them back to ur roms default.....there is a good read about this over at xda let me see if I can find the link.
I have a problem that I think might be related to the low memory on OG Droid.
My "widget locker" app keeps turning on and off. Wish the dang thing would stay on. I'm wondering if it's a memory issue and if it is I'm thinkin I'll try that "autokiller" app.
What do you think?
Side note: anybody using "widget locker?" When I reboot, my lockscreen loses all the Widgets so I have to re-apply them every time. This happen to anybody else?
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Has anyone come accross problems with the facebook app on 3.3.1? I keep getting fc's when trying to view profiles. Looking through my contacts some have their profile pics but some dont. I tried clearing the cache and data, reinstalling facebook and even fix permissions under the command menu and nothing seems to fix it. I dont use the fb app much but i've always like that my contact pics sync with everyone profiles.
The weather channel app closes on me sometimes too. I use the fancy widget and have it set to open the weather channel app when I tap on it. Sometimes it works just fine but other times once it loads the weather or if I click on the 10 day forcast it closes out comepletely.
how do you change where it's installed? do a copy and paste in root explorer?