The Android mobile operating system can now definitely be considered a mature OS, as the latest releases have everything a user might need, including a stable, easy to use interface and access to tens of thousands of apps for any purpose. The developers said that they will now start focusing on innovation and revolution, which means that they want to develop apps that will give them an edge over the competition, something special that would make people want to buy an Android device over others.
As Android tries to do the same, there are a lot of options developers are considering. One of them is automation of various tasks, which would make one’s life easier and allow him to focus on more important things while his trusty smart phone does all of the menial work. And we’re not talking about simple tasks like schedule reminders, either. The automation apps that are currently on the market allow you to let the phone control most of its features, and even make some decisions on its own (using your pre-programmed instructions, of course).
Read About Two Apps Tasker and Android Virtual Assistant:
:greendroid: 2 Cool Automation Apps for Android :greendroid:
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As Android tries to do the same, there are a lot of options developers are considering. One of them is automation of various tasks, which would make one’s life easier and allow him to focus on more important things while his trusty smart phone does all of the menial work. And we’re not talking about simple tasks like schedule reminders, either. The automation apps that are currently on the market allow you to let the phone control most of its features, and even make some decisions on its own (using your pre-programmed instructions, of course).
Read About Two Apps Tasker and Android Virtual Assistant:
:greendroid: 2 Cool Automation Apps for Android :greendroid:
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