10,000 Apps

C0bra K0mmander

New Member
Oct 30, 2009
Reaction score
New Jersey
Over at Droiddoes.com, it states that there's over 10,000 apps for it. Is there a website we can go to check them out?
Welcome Cobra....a lot of Crackberry members have been showing up in here
There was a lot of mention of the droid on crackberry, seeing as that's where i read about it at. Glad to see you guys here and posting.
Let's just say a LOT of Storm users are coming over here. I'm on Android Forums as well.
Where do you get the applications

Coming from the Treo, I had a couple of sites bookmarked that I used to purchase and download apps for my phone.

Can someone clarify how the app 'store' works? Is there one main store where applications are going to be sold and downloaded from or do I have to have several site bookmarked? Will this be managed by Verizon or Google?

Search AndroLib in google. Posting from my blackberry or I would link it for you.
I have a friend with a G1 and the market place is massive. Android really makes use of the barcode readers too. Many of the apps he has found online he has been able to scan and it takes him straight to that app in the market place.
no prob, souljerr.. did you find what you were looking for?
Yeah that is one of the things I am going to love about this phone. I do buy a good amount of crap. Yes unfortunately it usually turns out to be crap lol. I will also love to get my hands on that new nav app.