I'm on 1.0 and I'm trying to switch to ADW Launcher. I downloaded Android Terminal Emulator from Jack Palevich. I open TE, type su (enter). The first time I did this I got a grand superuser prompt and said yes. Then switchapk laucher adw and I get the ADWLauncher.apk ... wget: bad address 'files.ccroms.net' FAILED message.
I downloaded and installed ADW in the market before I found that I needed to run this script.
I did a search and saw someone else get a bad address error and they were told to run su first and it worked.
When i put in 1.0 this morning, I did a flush/clear, installed GA, put in a 125-1200 lv kernel, and used the NexTheme theme.
Suggestions on what to do / try?
I downloaded and installed ADW in the market before I found that I needed to run this script.
I did a search and saw someone else get a bad address error and they were told to run su first and it worked.
When i put in 1.0 this morning, I did a flush/clear, installed GA, put in a 125-1200 lv kernel, and used the NexTheme theme.
Suggestions on what to do / try?