Is the thunderbolt really a bad phone


Jun 16, 2010
Reaction score
My upgrade is up so im torn between getting the thunderbolt and the droid 3. But i have seen lots of reviews about the thunderbolt being a bad phone but it has such a good dev community. I do plan on rooting. So from what i understand is

stock thunderbolt= bad phone and rooted thunderbolt= great phone

is that correct and if not then should i go with the droid 3 and just wait for dev to start making roms.

i could careless bout the stock thunderbolt if it is a bad phone or not because whatever i get im going to root it dancedroid so what do you guys think, rooted thunderbolt or droid 3 and wait for roms
If you plan on rooting, Thunderbolt over D3 is an easy choice IMO.
Thunderbolt. Easily the best phone I've ever had. Running full sense 3.0 rom atm and getting amazing battery life, 20+ hrs on wifi, ~10 hrs on 4G, no toggling to 3G with moderate use.
Well that's good to know I really like the thunderbolt but seen so many bad reviews it worreid me a lil

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Well that's good to know I really like the thunderbolt but seen so many bad reviews it worreid me a lil

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I was also skeptic of the TB because of those reviews, but I have absolutely no problems whatsoever. Glad I bought one :) :icon_ banana:
Well guess I'm goin with the tb. Thanks

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To me Thunderbolt is a GREAT phone. I had no issues with it out of the box. My only reasons for rooting were total control and over/under clocking and battery savings. Perhaps a few other things, but I did not root due to problems as I had none.
My upgrade is up so im torn between getting the thunderbolt and the droid 3. But i have seen lots of reviews about the thunderbolt being a bad phone but it has such a good dev community. I do plan on rooting. So from what i understand is

stock thunderbolt= bad phone and rooted thunderbolt= great phone

is that correct and if not then should i go with the droid 3 and just wait for dev to start making roms.

i could careless bout the stock thunderbolt if it is a bad phone or not because whatever i get im going to root it dancedroid so what do you guys think, rooted thunderbolt or droid 3 and wait for roms

I dunno if the TB is a bad phone, but it certainly isnt a good phone. It's a phone with potential. Unfortunately it's gimped by glitches/bugs, low capacity battery, and lack of support (from VZW and HTC)..

The Droid 3 looks badass, but at this point, I would have to have LTE. Why not wait for the Bionic?
Well I'm not gonna wait for the bionic because if I'm gonna get another moto then it would be the droid 3 because of keyboard and because I love my d1 but ready for something different so I'm gonna try htc

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I read the same reviews and was worried as well. I decided to just get it and I couldn't be happier. Yea the battery is bad u need the extended or at least I did because I am a heavy user. But I love it. I came from the dx and havnt looked back.

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It's not that it is that bad, its more that HTC rushed out this device and if they would have put some more fox into it the phone better. As a customer if you pay this type of money for a device you have right to expect more. Can the issues be fixed, yes if you root. But customers should root because they choose to not because its a way to fix issues. I am not telling people not to buy I am saying use the 14 days to your advantage and follow your gut. If in that 14 day window you feel like you are not satisfied don't wait for htc, vzw, or a dev, just take it back and wait for something else.

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I haven't read the other replies, but I think the Thunderbolt is a great phone. My battery life is good (usually 12 - 16 hours depending on use) and I haven't had the reboot issue. The interface is very smooth and everything runs fast. Also, 4G is great. It's often faster than my home internet. I love the 4.3" screen and it is very responsive. The only real negative I can think of is that the screen is very hard to read in direct sunlight. Other than that it's a great phone.

Oh, and my TBolt is stock with a stock battery so I think it's great even without a custom ROM, although I'm sure I'll go that route eventually.
I agree, I'm very happy with the thunderbolt . I do have the extended battery but other than that I've had no problems with it .

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I went from a D1 to a TB yesterday just to get a 4G/LTE phone with the grandfathered unlimited data plan.
I am very happy with this phone after 24 hours. I never rooted my D1 but am seriously considering jumping into the fray with the TB just to see what rooting is all about.