Can only send 2 picture attachment on my gmail.


New Member
Jan 10, 2011
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Is it really like that? Like you can only send 2 pix attachment on my gmail? I tried to send like 5 pics and my gmail starts freezing and keep loading.

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Yea im just using there any difference when im using wifi??? Thanks

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I most I've tried sending over wifi, and successfully, was 4 pic files at about 6.4Mb total and it took about 35 seconds....the best I can do is with 3G, my experience, is about 1.5Mb file and it may take about 10 minutes with spotty coverage. That is why, comparing to 3G, everyone screams for wifi capabilities.
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Oh ok thanks.

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I had the same problem sending pics wether on 3g or wifi..I chose picasa from the share list and it lets you send an email invite for someone to view the pics you are daughter can now view the 90 or more photos I wanted her to see. Wors like a charm and so much faster than the email way.