Auto rotate problems?


New Member
Dec 18, 2011
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So my girlfriend has the Droid RAZR and I noticed that the auto-rotate features seems to stop working. I could go into the settings and I noticed that auto-rotate was unchecked so I check marked it. After that I would go into My Gallery and try to rotate the picture and it wouldn't work so I go back into settings and noticed that auto-rotate uncheck marked itself!! :mad: I checked online for a fix and no one seemed to come up with anything except for rebooting the phone. Well that seems pretty inconvenient and sadly for this RAZR it wasn't working all that well. Well I may have something that seems to be working until someone comes up with an actual fix.

To do this though you must have the app called "Tasker". It is a paid app on the play store but once you get used to it it's extremely useful and worth the money!! At first it can be extremely confusing and I am still trying to learn how to use it ha ha :happy3:. What I did is go into Tasker and create a profile that turns on "Display rotation" when I open certain apps. (My Gallery, Browser, etc.) That's pretty much all I did and it seems to be working for now. I'm sure someone out there is a whole lot more experienced with Tasker than me so feel free to chime in so I don't confuse anyone!! Ha ha

RAZR is running the new ICS update but the problem was happening before the update. Hope this information helps someone! :biggrin: