Used Phone Purchase -- SIM Card Question


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 2011
Reaction score
Mountaineer living in Buckeye Nation
Current Phone Model
Moto Z-Force
Please forgive me if this is the wrong area to ask this...., or if it's already been addressed (I did look before posting)

I just purchased a gently used Droid Maxx for my son from a private party. It came with a SIM card already installed. Does he need to get a new one from Verizon or is the one already in the phone okay to use? In the past, all of the used phones we've purchased did not come with a SIM card, so I'm a bit confused as to what to do.
You can activate that SIM Card online if it's already been deactivated. Or just go to a VZW store and they'll active that one or give you a new one.
You can activate that SIM Card online if it's already been deactivated. Or just go to a VZW store and they'll active that one or give you a new one.

Cool, thanks! He's the last of my fam to switch over from the Bionic LOL! Poor kid is limping along so I'm trying to make the transition into this new-to-him phone as painless as possible. Like I said, I've never received a used phone with the card still in it...
I'd probably go get a new one just to be sure. There's no telling how old that one is.
Could he try to activate it as is and then switch it out of there are problems or do you think he should just start with a fresh one? Are there known "issues" that appear in aged cards? Not doubting or questioning your knowledge, I sincerely want to learn.
Could he try to activate it as is and then switch it out of there are problems or do you think he should just start with a fresh one? Are there known "issues" that appear in aged cards? Not doubting or questioning your knowledge, I sincerely want to learn.

I have always went to a Verizon store and asked for a new one, they are free. If you activate it with that SIM it may try to change the phone number to whatever number is already programmed to that SIM. Maybe that's not possible, I'm not 100% sure? But the SIM that came in the phone was tied to someone else's phone number, so it may be safer just to get a new one.
As long as the old card is deactivated and not registered on someone else's account, he should be able to activate it, like @Mustang02 said.

However, I personally just had an issue a few months ago where my phone lost all data connection. A new sim card fixed me right up and they were happy to replace it.

I would just personally go for a brand new one from the start to be sure, but he could potentially activate that old one and have no issue.
I guess the Droid Maxx phones are working pretty good for you & your family? I really liked that phone when I had one, it is an awesome phone.
I have always went to a Verizon store and asked for a new one, they are free. If you activate it with that SIM it may try to change the phone number to whatever number is already programmed to that SIM. Maybe that's not possible, I'm not 100% sure? But the SIM that came in the phone was tied to someone else's phone number, so it may be safer just to get a new one.
I'd think you can register the sim on your account online like you used to do with the phone serial number before VZW started using sim cards, but like I said, if it's still technically connected to the previous owner's account, it may just flat out tell you that you can't use it. I know with old phones, there used to be a period of time after someone stopped using them that they were still technically tied to that person's account and you might have to have them tell VZW that they were indeed no longer using that phone. Might not be the case any more though.
You guys ROCK! I always know I can come on this site and get any phone question answered! I'll send him over to Verizon to get a new card and avoid any potential issues. Thank you soooo much -- each of you!
Yes, sajokaz, we are now a family using the Droid Maxx exclusively once the youngest gets his up an running tonight! We're happy to be able to do a whoooole lot more than we could with the Bionics, that's for sure.
Oldest kid has a problem with no 4G, but that's his fault for not returning during the 30 day warranty.
Thanks again!
I'd go to a store if it were me. 30 minutes or less for non-hassle. New card, new phone for your son. Win - Win.
You guys ROCK! I always know I can come on this site and get any phone question answered! I'll send him over to Verizon to get a new card and avoid any potential issues. Thank you soooo much -- each of you!
Yes, sajokaz, we are now a family using the Droid Maxx exclusively once the youngest gets his up an running tonight! We're happy to be able to do a whoooole lot more than we could with the Bionics, that's for sure.
Oldest kid has a problem with no 4G, but that's his fault for not returning during the 30 day warranty.
Thanks again!

Awesome, glad to hear that they are working good for your family. And I agree, there are a lot of great users on this forum, always willing to help share information & advice. Mustang02 and Jonny Kansas like to post together on the same threads a lot...but that's a long story about how they became BFF. :D
Awesome, glad to hear that they are working good for your family. And I agree, there are a lot of great users on this forum, always willing to help share information & advice. Mustang02 and Jonny Kansas like to post together on the same threads a lot...but that's a long story about how they became BFF. :D
Ya know, now that you mentioned it, I do seem to see them posting in pairs LOL! However, I do see you in the mix quite a bit too!
Awesome, glad to hear that they are working good for your family. And I agree, there are a lot of great users on this forum, always willing to help share information & advice. Mustang02 and Jonny Kansas like to post together on the same threads a lot...but that's a long story about how they became BFF. :D
Our posts aren't even touching....there is a reply in between. It's not like we're replying at the exact same time. o_O
