Yes or no


Diamond Member
Nope, none at all. That was just a straight up brain fart.

Back on track. Would you dive into shark infested water if you dropped your phone?

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Diamond Member
No, not a Construction site biffy either... That's what insurance is for...

If you found yourself on a desert island with Hillary and Pelosi, would you dive in and try to make friends with the sharks?


Diamond Member
Yes, eaten alive by sharks would be better than listening to those two talk non-stop. :eek:

Have you ever been involved in a bar fight because another couple nearby passed gas, and that offended you? o_O


Diamond Member
No, but I will ask you to take it outside next time if you continue to pass gas and then dance around the room singing "like a woman" while wearing that pink sun dress.

Did you know the SPCA has since outlawed your activities at that restaurant?


Diamond Member
Nope. The food was terrible and over-priced anyway.

Would you believe the above "story" was real, and made the news this morning? Really... a bar fight?


Diamond Member
Yes, and I'll bet the offender was wasted, and thought it was funny. Right? ;)
I'd have gone to the the manager before removing you

As flatulence are a natural fact of life, do you think it makes sense to share it with everyone in the elevator?


Diamond Member
Yes, of course. It makes those awkward silence elevator rides more fun. :eek:

Wow, we let this thread slip into the graveyard. Is it finally time to retire this thread forever and declare me the all-time winner? :D


Super Moderator
Staff member
Yes, yes it was time.

Did you seriously think this thread was worth reviving, and if so, do you believe you should receive a temporary ban for doing so...or at the very least be beaten about the heads & shoulders with a handful of al dente fettuccini noodles?!?

S5 tap'n


Diamond Member
Yes, yes, yes he should be thrashed with limp wet pasta, now that would be a win.

Shouldn't he also be banned for assuming he's won anything?
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Diamond Member
Yes, yes it was a great idea to revive this thread. :D And ban allowed, and no whipping with wet soggy noodles allowed. :cool:

Do you like to throw handfuls of pasta at the walls & ceilings to see if it is cooked thoroughly?


Diamond Member
No, not my serving, but for your plate, I will drop a plateful on the floor for extra protein.

Do you think the weatherman should be prosecuted for allowing rain on a vacation?


Super Moderator
Staff member
Yes, to the fullest extent of my laws. (enacted in 1896)

Do you believe you can fly? Do you believe you can touch the sky? Do you think about it every night & day, and wish that Sajo would make this thread go away?

S5 tap'n


Diamond Member
No, not without wings of a dove.. And no, this thread is fun, and he can stay too ;)

Do you ever dream you are floating down a river of chocolate while holding a bowl of vanilla ice cream, but your hands are cuffed and a squirrel is navigating the craft?


Diamond Member, no I have not.

Do you have any ideas what was in that cup you just drank?

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Super Moderator
Staff member I stopped experimenting with those substances in college.

Do you think that in your chocolate dream Sajo represents the squirrel?

S5 tap'n