For those saddened by the loss of the comic genius Robin Williams, Yahoo did a great tribute article which includes many comments from his friends, co-stars and others in Hollywood.
I will share my own personal thoughts: My first reaction was anger at Robin Williams for giving up and taking himself away from us, but then my heart turned to compassion because his continued struggle with substance abuse was something very few people can truly understand.
While many of us have battled depression, there are some who inadvertently turn to substance abuse as a "weapon" to fight off depression. Unfortunately, they sometimes realize too late that their new weapon is a trick. It will only make the despair stronger in the long run. Having to fight depression and substance abuse at the same time is a fight few people can win, and most of us cannot even comprehend the enormity of it.
The world has lost a bright light. We must learn from this loss and take a different path as we remember this great man warmly.
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