as title states, everytime i record a video and proceed to look at my albums in my gallery, the thumbnail for the video will always be wrong. its usually a thumbnail for a previous video that i had on my phone and since deleted. so the problem seems to be that when i record a video, and then delete it, my phone keeps the thumbnail in the cache or something and next time i record a video it will use that thumbnail instead. i did a search and found another person with this same problem, and their fix for it seemed to be to clear the cache in their photos app, obviously i have tried that and it didnt work. maybe the fact that i downloaded "gallery 3d" from the market might have something to do with it, i thought that app would give me a new gallery but turns out its the same, and now i cant uninstall it, and it changed the gallery name to com.cooliris.(something). so any thoughts on how to fix this problem?