Wrong contact picture with number


New Member
Nov 25, 2009
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Ok... here's a strange one.... I have my son's picture associated with his number so that when he calls his picture comes up. Today I got a call from someone who dialed my number by mistake but my son's picture came up with the number! Has this happened to anyone else?
Yea this is a bug that I and a few others had mentioned about. As far as I know there hasn't been a way of fixing it. I'm going look over at Google's Issue reports to see if it was entered.
I have had that happen several times. Today, I called my son, and someone else's face was on the screen. And if I call home, I see my sister's picture. She has her own home! lol! I have checked the contacts and the pictures there are correct, but the wrong one pops up on the screen during the call.