Wireless tether apps that work on the Droid 4

Holy android gods, if thats true that would be amazing. Can someone else confirm that they have tried this? I am a little hesitant to make such low level changes without confirmation.

Also does this require root access? (i am rooted but others who are not might want to know)

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Yes it does require root i even did it on my bionic an it worked lol its the first thing i do when i get a new phone

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Forget the apps they rarely work get sqlite editor from the market an the open it an scroll down to settings an storage u want the one with the hammer an wrench not the one with the gear icon select it then go to settings.db-- settings--- scroll down till u find entitlement check it should be around value 150 an the change the value in the 3rd column from 1 to 0 then reboot an the select the moblie hotspot an when u set it up make sure u change the dhcp from to or it wont work an then ur done an u can use the stock mobile hotspot an dont need any apps

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Sent from my DROID4 using DroidForums

I concur. The SQLite hack using the stock hotspot is the way to go.
I just pluged my phone into the computer with the mini-usb cord from the charger went to settings and turned on
tether, and the comutter uses the 4G VERY well and cruizes the net probably better then my wirless connection at home
no app needed the computer runs Win 7 and reconized the phone as a internet connection ---works well for me
you have to plug in the phone to computer before this option is available

> Can someone else confirm that they have tried this? I am a little hesitant to
> make such low level changes without confirmation.

Yes, the process mentioned above works, however I modified the settings using aShell and aSQLiteManager (both free);

I posted this on another droid forum...

The instructions contained in a comment to an article on wifi tether for Droid Razr worked for me;

How to Get Free 4G LTE Wifi Tether/Mobile Hotspot on Rooted Droid Razr! | DroidRazrRoot.com

The comment from user Kendallhabra;
"...download aShell and aSQLiteManager from the Market. Go into aShell, check the “Root” box at the top, go to File Explorer, then go to data -> data -> com.motorola.android.providers.settings -> databases -> settings.db, open it with aSQLiteManager, click Settings -> Data, click “PgDn” until you get to 150, click “Edit”, change the value to 0, then press the back button soft key until you are prompted to save the changes back in aShell, save the changes, and reboot your phone. You of course still need to have your phone rooted for this method."

I use the stock Mobile Hotspot app, did not change any settings. Whenever I tried a 3rd party wifi hotspot app, it would simply start the stock app. Also, my old dell laptop was unable to connect to this ad-hoc wifi access point but a Droid0 and Apple iTouch connected OK.