WiFi Tether not working properly


Dec 27, 2009
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Hey guys when I use WiFi tether it seems to only work when i have WiFi enabled on the phone and the phone is connected to my home wifi. Once I disable it and try to wifi tether only via 3g it seems to work only for about 5-10 seconds then it just locks up and pages dont display it just keeps trying to connect to a website, but never connects.

Anyone has experienced the same issue as me? I have great 3g coverage in my house i've tested it plenty of times by browsing the net, downloading apps etc... without using my wifi so i know its not the reception.

PDANET works great, but i like to be able to use wifi teather too kind of nice to have a wireless connection, thanks.
Hmmm, I'm confused. You're disabling the WiFi hardware?