I've been toying with wifi related stuff on my OG Droid and had a few questions about how the stock Android Wifi software worked:
1. When connecting to a known network, does it look for the SSID or does it specifically go after the MAC address tied to it? ie: Could I program 'linksys' in and have it automatically connect to any 'linksys' routers it comes across?
2. How easy is it to set up network prioritization? Can it be done stock (even if it means tweaking config files to do so) or am I looking at a third party app?
1. When connecting to a known network, does it look for the SSID or does it specifically go after the MAC address tied to it? ie: Could I program 'linksys' in and have it automatically connect to any 'linksys' routers it comes across?
2. How easy is it to set up network prioritization? Can it be done stock (even if it means tweaking config files to do so) or am I looking at a third party app?