My battery usage is saying that my display is taking up 45% of the battery while Android system is only 15% and others are less than 10%. How can that be! I put the brightness on low, less than half. Probably about 15-20%. I put brightness settings all low, use advanced task killer, but the battery still goes down pretty quickly. If i go on facebook for 1 minute, it will go down by 10%. If i listen to music for 15 minutes it goes down by 15-20%. This is way too fast. I only get about 7 hours with minimal usage (check facebook here and there, listen to 10-15 min of music before and after school, text a little) It barely lasts throughout the school day. What is goin wrong?
Could installing advanced task killer and not the advanced task killer for FROYO be the problem, b/c i just found that app....but that has nothing to do with the display. What to do?
Could installing advanced task killer and not the advanced task killer for FROYO be the problem, b/c i just found that app....but that has nothing to do with the display. What to do?