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Why is my display taking up so much battery? I've tried everything


My battery usage is saying that my display is taking up 45% of the battery while Android system is only 15% and others are less than 10%. How can that be! I put the brightness on low, less than half. Probably about 15-20%. I put brightness settings all low, use advanced task killer, but the battery still goes down pretty quickly. If i go on facebook for 1 minute, it will go down by 10%. If i listen to music for 15 minutes it goes down by 15-20%. This is way too fast. I only get about 7 hours with minimal usage (check facebook here and there, listen to 10-15 min of music before and after school, text a little) It barely lasts throughout the school day. What is goin wrong?
Could installing advanced task killer and not the advanced task killer for FROYO be the problem, b/c i just found that app....but that has nothing to do with the display. What to do?
first off, for the sole purpose of problem solving remove the task-killer app. you can install later if you would like.

need more info about your device - rooted, rom (stock or custom), kernel installed, oc'd, apps installed.....etc.

if your not doing anything else but checking facebook and apps alike then yeah display will be using the most battery life.

without more info about your device its hard to speculate.
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Do you have wifi, bluetooth, gps, sync on? and brightness all the way up?

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Do you have wifi, bluetooth, gps, sync on? and brightness all the way up?
I put the brightness on low, less than half. Probably about 15-20%.

i doubt the brightness is the issue or the other toggles. sounds like "if" he is rooted and oc'd he does not have his governer and/or profiles setup properly.

just my .02.....and the task killer is not helping.
I think i figured it out. I previously had thought that my droid was on CDMA network, but was actually on global. After did a factory reset cuz my music player kept pausing after 2 minutes and all of the task killers/managers had music as ignored. So i switched it to CDMA after and now my display is down to 26% battery. yayyy
Ok...Now it went up to 32% from 26%. I'm not really sure why the display takes up so much battery even when its on less than 25% brightness. How much perctange of the battery do your displays take up? I just wanna know if im in the normal ranges... I need this phone to last longer than 6 hours....

I have not rooted the phone yet, but am planning to cuz that's what i do :)
My D2 display is hogging up 52% right now, and I have the brightness set to 32%. Depending on how often wake it to check emails and updates the battery will last from 6-12 hours.
i think its just a droid thing. my friends DINC doesnt use nearly as much % for display.

my droid always has Display at the top for battery usage.
Turn auto sync and wifi off if u r not using it. Never use a tasker killer in 2.2 froyo. Programs with sync will kill your battery too.

Sent from my Droid using DroidForums App
The display is the 'display backlight', (real light, like a bulb, but probably an lcd in this case) + the LCD itself,and it always takes the most, more than 50%.

If it doesn't then you're not using the phone for anything visual at all.

The usage of >50% display is completely normal. The incredible lousy design of the new droid 2 G hardware vs. it's battery is just poor.

The next biggest drain is probably android OS when using the Data Manager (whatever that is good for, I think nothing personally)

It can be improved. I put a post in the main thread here about cauterizing away all of that motoblur junk and the data manager. After that, it is fairly reasonable, with a day's life.

My old Droid 1 at 1Ghz and >50% always, would run for 2-3 days regularly and never be at less than 70% at the end of a work day.

I just think the hardware is over-matched for the battery mA.

Another helpful thing would be if/when this thing is cracked open and a low voltage kernel made available but I wouldn't count on it.

--- hashi
Majority of the time display will always be #1 battery killer, or if your not using your phone it is cell standby normally. Not much can be done about it, I hear that using dark themes and wallpapers can save battery though.

Also, Verizon sells an 1860 mA battery, compared to the 1390 that it comes with, nice upgrade for 50 bucks, comes with a new battery door with a slight size increase but you don't even notice it, I think it makes it look better actually
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I'm not trying to hi-jack this thread or anything, but I keep seeing people saying not to use a task killer with Froyo 2.2. What is the reason for this? I just installed Advanced Task Killer on my D2G.
Majority of the time display will always be #1 battery killer, or if your not using your phone it is cell standby normally. Not much can be done about it, I hear that using dark themes and wallpapers can save battery though.

Also, Verizon sells an 1860 mA battery, compared to the 1390 that it comes with, nice upgrade for 50 bucks, comes with a new battery door with a slight size increase but you don't even notice it, I think it makes it look better actually

With LCD, black is the most energy-costly color to produce as you need to completely light up the entire matrix to try and block out as much of the backlight as possible. Couple that with needing to have the brightness higher to see things more often compared to that of a lighter theme, and I'd wager that a dark theme is a good deal less energy-efficient. But heck, it DOES look pretty awesome, so those few minutes of possible saved battery life are well spent.

Of course, with OLED display technology, this is flip-flopped as the backlight and color are integrated into a single output layer, which means that black is, in fact, black, not just blocked backlight.