Why do the new basebands suck?


Apr 19, 2010
Reaction score
Holy crap,they are 3G,1X,3G,1X,3G,1X I mean wtf what gives.I am on the newest one.I was on the 00 then thought maybe I would try the 01.I never had this issue with the original.Is there a way to go back to that.Maybe it won't matter but it is good to have options.right?
New does not equal better....

And if it's not broke, why change it?
Holy crap,they are 3G,1X,3G,1X,3G,1X I mean wtf what gives.I am on the newest one.I was on the 00 then thought maybe I would try the 01.I never had this issue with the original.Is there a way to go back to that.Maybe it won't matter but it is good to have options.right?

Yes there is a way to go back. Find the older version and install it as an update.zip file. All fixed then
Pete has all of the basebands on his website: peteralfonso.com
Yeah I found the thread and I did go back and had the same issues.I week or so ago I had this and I flashed a backup and it seemed better.I know it does not change that but hope it is figured out.Do any of you have this issue ever?I know a couple do from reading through the threads.Thanks guys for the replies,and fast responses.
I'm still on the same baseband from 2.1. I, too, believe that if it ain't broke, don't fix it.
Im on the new one and i don't really notice anymore honestly. On kang 1.1 it was an amazing combination. I don't know how that makes any sense, but at my house naturally its 3g/1x room to room. with that combo it was always 3g and usually pulled about 1mb/s which is fairly high for here. definitely noticed a performance drop leaving 1.1

Ive got no idea how that makes sense...
is there going to be a new base band released with official froyo? does anyone know?