whats up with not running flash?


New Member
May 24, 2010
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Main problem being flash video players on sites other than youtube, like ign.com, won't play. I try to download adobe flash on my droid, and it tells me something about some sort of update. What's the deal?
You have to wait until android 2.2 comes out

Sent from my Droid using Tapatalk
There is no flash on the Droid. (Yet)

That's your problem.
Ok well when is 2.2 coming out?
Be careful what you wish for. It's a badly written kludgy program not designed for handsets. Will max CPU to suck battery like nobody's business. Jobs has a point, but Android will support Flash just to do a one-up selling point, hehe.
Is there still no release date on 2.2? And I've heard some terms being used in other forums, what is rooting my droid?
Android will support Flash because it's so popular. Call it what you want, but it would be more beneficial than many of the apps that already exist to augment the phone's capability.

Steve Jobs thinks that he can usher in a new era of web browsing by ticking off Adobe. He will most likely be wrong, considering the pre-existing install base. Microsoft is trying the same thing with Silverlight, but it's a flop too.

You cant wake up tomorrow and say "gas is gone, battery powered cars only"....
Android will support Flash because it's so popular. Call it what you want, but it would be more beneficial than many of the apps that already exist to augment the phone's capability.

Steve Jobs thinks that he can usher in a new era of web browsing by ticking off Adobe. He will most likely be wrong, considering the pre-existing install base. Microsoft is trying the same thing with Silverlight, but it's a flop too.

You cant wake up tomorrow and say "gas is gone, battery powered cars only"....

This. The amount of websites, and I mean MILLIONS of sites would have to change everything around for jobs or MS, it's never going to happen
Skyfire browser most all flash sites work fine (most all videos including from IGN play fine, but no seek ability).