What is BLUR?


Mar 16, 2011
Reaction score
I'm trying to search this on the forums but I can't really find a good answer. I keep seeing ppl talk negatively about it though. Can someone explain that or provide a link that does?


Also, what's Vanilla? Another OS?
Blur is an unfortunate mistake by Motorola to try and make Android their own by changing parts of it. Basically, it is a skin put on top of stock Android, similar to HTC's Sense skin. Vanilla Android refers to stock Android, the OS that Google releases with nothing changed about it. So, Blur, on the DroidX and Droid2, would not be vanilla, but the Droid1 does not have Blur, so it would be referred to as having a vanilla OS.
Blur is Motorola's launcher that they installed over the top of the android OS. Its like installing launcher pro or ADW on your phone as a second or third home screen application. Vanilla refers to just having the android os all by itself with no manufacturer putting their own twist on it. Moto = blur, HTC = sense etc...

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*Dots just connected*

sweet! thx.
so in a way it's like having two os installed. that could cause the phone to be sluggish and malfunction right. which would bring me someone to rooting which would allow them to wipe it clean, install a vanilla android along with access processor speed/battery life stuff.

Having a home replacement app is not like having two OS on your phone. Its not possible, to the best of my knowledge, to have two OS. The phone only uses one. The home replacement app is your UI (user interface) that allows a lot of personalization of how you interact with the OS. Different apps allow stuff like how many home screens you use (1-7), different Widgets the apps may include etc... Plus you don't have to be rooted to use a home replacement app. Best way to understand is to install one and play with it. I use launcher pro. I liked it so much I got the paid "plus" version. Have fun and feel free to pm me if you have questions.

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Thanks for the info. I plan to get one asap. Waiting on the Bionic...

I hear the rumors that it will be locked but maybe that will change after a while.