this week i noticed a decrease in my battery life all of a sudden so i installed gsam battery monitor to see what the problem was. before, the top battery suckers would be facebook, browser, text messsging etc. stuff that i use through out the day. this time it was kernel always at the top. 8-10% one time it was at 14%. ive read in the past that kernel should not be at the top and that a simple cache clear would fix it. i did it and it remained the same. i did the foxkatting thing and it remained the same. i did an FDR through privacy and 3 more cache clears and fdrs through recovery and more battery meter training and it's still the same. kernel is the biggest battery drain. i was getting phenomenal battery life and it just gave out all if a sudden. i havent installed any new apps. i am tempted to install the leak 215 but ive had bad luck with it when it comes to battery life. any theories as to why this might have happened?