Ever since i got the ics update successfully installed, I've been wrestling to familiarize myself with all the new doo dads and differences from GB. One thing that had me really upset is the loss of the stock (and wonderful) RSS feed widget. Didn't expect to lose it but okay, I'll try to cope. So i go and download Google Reader. Hey, its a Google product so it must be good right? Nope. This widget takes up way too much real estate and i can't set up my home screens the way i liked and had them before. On top of that, 99% of the time it just says "Loading" and shows no actual information. Can't click that loading message to get into it either, so i have to get in through the app drawer. This new app is very frustrating.
Is there any way to get my stick Rss widget back?
Is there any way to get my stick Rss widget back?