What DON'T you miss from Windows Mobile?


Silver Member
Nov 4, 2009
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In response to the other thread; I made excuses for MS for long enough and I have welcomed the Google Cloud into my life with open arms. Here are a few reasons why I DON'T miss WinMo:

1. Activesync tethering. I've never worked anywhere that has Activesync push mail setup on their Exchange servers so I've been tethered to the desktop since 2001. My phone would sit in whatever cradle/charger combo whenever I would be at my desk. Anytime I wasn't at my desk, I would be oblivious to changes.

2. Application Development. Sure, devs were out there, PocketPC even had marketplaces you could visit, but apps cost in the $10s, 20s, $30 and even $40s and $50s!!! All of the apps I ever obtained were as free as I could get them and I still have them today. I have the exact same apps I've been running since 2001. They still work, they still get the job done and they still haven't been developed on since my last download.

3. WinMo was PocketPC was WinCE before "phone" even entered the spotlight. Therefore, WinMo does a pretty mediocre job at managing phone operations. Most of the devices available are subpar and are way behind on technology.

4. My XX device from 3 years ago performs better than this POS I just bought. My HTC Touch was garbage. I'll never look at another HTC device the same way. My iPaq 3635 was more capable than my HTC Touch was, and it was 150Mhz slower.

5. You pretty much HAVE to download a custom ROM to make your device "worth" owning. I can't even count the number of ROMs I flashed on my WinMo device. Each one had something I liked, something I didn't care for, something I hated and something that just didn't work.

Personally I think WinMo is out of the picture. They lost their chance to get 7 out to the market when they released 6.5. They destroyed their image with that revision and it will take a miracle for them to recover.
My windows phone lagged ALLL the time. I could not go a day without lag and I even had a custom 6.5 rom on there. An what was weird, as the day went on an my battery became lower, it would seem to freeze up an lag even more. This is got to be the main reason why I don't miss windows mobile one bit. Goo Droid :icon_ banana:
ya, i forgot to mention the need to have a resistive screen with WinMo. WinMo7 is supposed to require cpacitive, but they can't even get that released.
The LAG and constant soft resets.

yeah I think I may have been performing an average of 6 soft resets/day. It was crazy. Whenever I would just want to send a txt, my phone was just freeze up on me. Most frustrating thing ever because you expect the phone to work, especially do something so simple like sending a txt.
i got to a point where soft resets were just common. if things were slow or something didn't act right, i'd just soft reset.

my DROID has been up for 219:26:xx
Actually I kind of do miss WinMo, been an on-off user for about 4yrs (still have my motorola napoleon) and have gotten attached to the many roms I could flash. there was an incident where I went through 4 of VZW's XV6700's and 3 Moguls before I got one that worked as it should, but thats really my only gripe WM related
Small screen.
Using a stylus.
Browser sucked.
Pretty much everything.
I hated my WinMob phone.
ActiveSync, ActiveSync, ActiveSync
oh.....and having to restart so often.
Did I mention ActiveSync?
117 page long threads in WinMo forums wondering whether we'll get the update or need to wait until we qualify for a new phone discount.
its been awhile, but i can not think of anything that i really miss. same goes for my blackberry.:)
Wow. Let's see. I had an HTC6800 (mogul)

The browser was an absolute joke. (On me, apparently) first thing I had to do was install Opera Mini which made it tolerable.

Did they really expect anyone to type on the on-screen keyboard with a stylus!?

Everything about the interface was counter-intuitive. For instance, the contacts and speakerphone buttons were in one place before making a call, then when I was in a call they were somewhere else! Did consistency ever figure into their design?

The Task manager was rediculous. I had the phone for a year and never did completely figure the stupid thing out. Palm (I had a 650 before the HTC) spoiled me with their simplicity.

The calendar would not show me anything in the month view. I had to click on the days to see if anything was actually going on. (Again I was spoiled by Palm where I could color code everything)

In WinMo, I could not sync my contacts without Outlook, which annoyed me to no end 'cause I wasn't about to buy it. Interestingly, Google had a way to sync all my WinMo contacts AND calendar to my gmail account, which is why I started looking at Google in the first place.

A minor annoyance, but the calculator app that came with WinMo was the most rediculous piece of crap I had ever seen. I would have been ashamed to release an app like that on an operating system that was on its 6th version. It looked like some 6 year old made it.

The whole time I had that WinMo phone I cried for my 5 year old Palm 650 back. (I had given it to a friend who loved it. I was upset that Palm seemed to have given up on developing for it) Then came Android and all is right with the world.
Wow. Let's see. I had an HTC6800 (mogul)

The browser was an absolute joke. (On me, apparently) first thing I had to do was install Opera Mini which made it tolerable.

Did they really expect anyone to type on the on-screen keyboard with a stylus!?

Everything about the interface was counter-intuitive. For instance, the contacts and speakerphone buttons were in one place before making a call, then when I was in a call they were somewhere else! Did consistency ever figure into their design?

The Task manager was rediculous. I had the phone for a year and never did completely figure the stupid thing out. Palm (I had a 650 before the HTC) spoiled me with their simplicity.

The calendar would not show me anything in the month view. I had to click on the days to see if anything was actually going on. (Again I was spoiled by Palm where I could color code everything)

In WinMo, I could not sync my contacts without Outlook, which annoyed me to no end 'cause I wasn't about to buy it. Interestingly, Google had a way to sync all my WinMo contacts AND calendar to my gmail account, which is why I started looking at Google in the first place.

A minor annoyance, but the calculator app that came with WinMo was the most rediculous piece of crap I had ever seen. I would have been ashamed to release an app like that on an operating system that was on its 6th version. It looked like some 6 year old made it.

The whole time I had that WinMo phone I cried for my 5 year old Palm 650 back. (I had given it to a friend who loved it. I was upset that Palm seemed to have given up on developing for it) Then came Android and all is right with the world.

I had the Mogul 6800 too, I had it for 2 1/2 years and I can only remember one update. And all that update did was add the taskmanager which I had already downloaded. Disappointment is an understatement with that device.
It was because of the HTC mogul that I was very disappointed to see them manufaturing the Eris. Hopefully they've learned from their past.