You keep unlimited data!
Question, I have an Alltel data card and BSP Unlimited 3g data plan. Verizon has sent our notice that the Alltel network will be shut down and my device may no longer work.Am I going to lose my unlimited data if I change to a Verizon device? If I do nothing then I will have to drop the account I guess. Opinions please.
You can upgrade and keep unlimited. I upgraded from the Alltel EC168 by Huawei to the USB760, then a little over a year later I upgraded to the Mifi 2200, still have it, although I keep it on an unbilled suspend. They throttle it to **** if I use 9 GB in a month, and it stays throttled for nearly 2 months. No, Verizon's "network optimization" is not "optimization", it's not to be fair to all users. It's to get you to switch to a tiered plan. It's not just throttled when you're on a congested site. I've taken it to places with only deer, trees, and fields (and a Verizon tower), gets full signal, 2 phones that are not "optimized" get over 2 MBPS, while the card jumps past 2, then the throttling kicks it down to under 500kbps. At 3 a.m., still throttled, tried in 3 different counties, none of which have more than 50 thousand people....still throttled. No point in calling Verizon, their solution would be to switch to a ridiculously overpriced tiered data plan. I wish it wasn't a lie. Verizon's throttling is only marginally better than AT&T or T-Mobile. It does allow more throughput, maxing out around 500 kbps(but not sustaining that speed), so not enough to stream video, but enough to still get your music. But it definitely doesn't stop throttling you when the tower isn't loaded, or when you move to an "uncongested" area. It's always fully throttled until the 2 months is up.
Anyway, off that, I understand the need for unlimited, and that there aren't a lot of options out there for some folks. You can possibly upgrade through VZ and keep your plan, if not, you can buy a Mifi 2200 for Verizon on eBay, Amazon, etc. Then go to your online account on MyVerizon, Activate or Switch Device, and punch in the ESN from the Mifi, and you're done. It will give you the option to add text messaging to your plan, just skip through that. You'll still have BSP Unlimited.
Since June 28th, when the new "Ripoff Everybody" (Share everything) plans came out, they may not upgrade you and let you keep the plan, that's when you'd want to buy your own device, as they are allowing you to upgrade at full cost(or bring your own VZ Branded device) and keep your plan.
If anyone on the phone tells you that you can't keep that plan, they are LYING TO YOU. The salespeople in the stores and over the phone all work on commission. They make a bit off of the phone they sell you, and they get an even bigger bonus for switching you to a new plan. That's why they try to push new plans. They did it to me when I called to get a warranty replacement for a phone that wouldn't connect to 3 or 4G, I said, "No thank you, My Alltel plan costs half that and doesn't have limits" Also, if you have an Alltel smartpack, you can get 4G phones. The stores won't do it for you, they want their commission so they just "can't find a way" to do it. I went round and round with the store trying to change my plan. I just said, no thanks, walked out, called 611, ordered the Thunderbolt (over a year ago) and the lady apologized for the sales people, and agreed with me, that they were just wanting commission for a plan change.
They are correct in telling you that you CAN NOT upgrade to a 4G LTE modem and keep unlimited. You must buy a 3G device to keep this BSP Unlimited plan. Only person I've known to get that lucky had a business acct and their business sales rep did it for them. But you won't get that on a consumer acct.