Website will not work on 4.1.2


New Member
May 16, 2015
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AKAI 288
Hello everyone

I am new on here - first day and first post.

I have had a website built ( not an app - can't afford that yet). One feature of the site is the uploading of images. On PCs one would browse files to do that. On smart phones -iOS and Android - I want to allow users to take a pic with their phone and upload it straight away. This works fine with 4.2.2 and later but with 4.1.2 mostly it doesn't work and occasionally it does but it rotates the image.

Also, with 4.1.2 some of the detail is missing form the screen e.g. The login box is not visible. My developers are a bit stuck. Can anyone help me please?

Thank you.
Welcome to DF.....I am not much help in this department but I am sure one of members will be along to help soon.

sent from my fabulous Note 4♡
Welcome to the forum! This may be a website related issue, but we're going to need a little more information in order to make that determination.
Whats the make & model of your device? Who is your carrier? Have you had the same problem regardless of what browser you use to get to the site?

S5 tap'n