Weather App Confusion


New Member
May 12, 2010
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I would like a weather app that automatically tracks my location - Now I realize that the native app "News and Weather" has a selection to track my location but is that contingent on my refresh rates? For example, I have the refresh rate at 6 hours and left a location about an hour ago - still reads my old, not present location.

Is there any app that will track my location in real time and update accordingly but, if I remain in the same location, say for a day or two, will only update every few hours?

Hope this isnt confusing....
there's apps such as Beautiful Widgets or Weatherbug that track your location, but i really don't think what you want is possible. in order for it to even check if your in the same location or a different location, it's technically gotta "refresh" your location to check it with GPS. so even if you were to set it at 6 hours, it would need to check every half hour anyway just to see if you moved, defeating the purpose of the 6 hours. it's still wasting the same battery/memory.