Voice search help


Nov 1, 2009
Reaction score
almost every time i try to use the voice search feature (tapping the mic on the google search widget) the voice command box pops up for a second then gets replaced with a box that says "connection problem" with cancel and try again options... then the voice box pops back up and said not found (because i couldnt speak over the connection problem box) so I have to cancel and tap it again to get it to work...

this happens on wifi and 3g, so it can't actually be a connection problem like it says... it pops up before i even have a chance to start speaking... kinda kills the whole point of using voice search to begin with... any ideas? am i overlooking something here?
That happens on mine if I wait too long or say something it can't understand. Hopefully a patch comes out soon and fixes it.
at least it gives you a (small) chance to say something, mine is almost instant :)
I had the same problem. I found the resolution posted by OliveStreet at the Motorola Owners Forum:

Settings->Applications->Manage Applications. Press the Menu softkey, and choose Filter. Choose All. Scroll all the way to the bottom and choose Voice Search. Click Clear Cache, and then Clear Data. Accept the warning (it will nuke the app data, but isn't anything to worry about).