Samsung usually kicks out some pretty decent commercials that make their products interesting, but their latest featuring the Galaxy Gear is just downright.....well, weird and creepy. If the acting is going to be bad you at least need to make the commercial somewhat appealing and not have your audience in their heads thinking; "what the heck is going on here?" In this commercial you'll meet Jack, the attractive Aimee, and some other poor guy on a ski lift ready to hit the mountain on their snowboards. Simple enough right? Well, it all goes down hill as soon as Jack picks up a call with his Galaxy Gear watch. Not only does this commercial make Jack look a stalker, he comes across as weirdly obsessive over his Galaxy Gear. We get that it's cool and all, but for the love of everything sacred Samsung you need to scrap this horrendous commercial, make sure it never hits the airwaves and go back to the drawing board.
I'd love to hear everyones comments on this one, because this one had me doing a double face palm. Share your thoughts.......