Vic Gundotra, Lead Exec on Google+ and Google Social is Leaving Google


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Late yesterday afternoon, Vic Gundrotta, Senior Vice President for Social at Google, and the man primarily responsible for the creation and development of Google+, announced that he has left Google. After 8 years spearheading the development of social integration at Google, Gundrotta is moving on to other (as yet unnamed) opportunities.

Here's a brief snippet from his announcement via Google+:

Today I'm announcing my departure from Google after almost 8 years.

I have been incredibly fortunate to work with the amazing people of Google. I don't believe there is a more talented and passionate collection of people anywhere else. And I'm overwhelmed when I think about the leadership of +Larry Page and what he empowered me to do while at Google. From starting Google I/O, to being responsible for all mobile applications, to creating Google+, none of this would have happened without Larry's encouragement and support.

I'm also forever in debt to the Google+ team. This is a group of people who built social at Google against the skepticism of so many. The growth of active users is staggering, and speaks to the work of this team. But it doesn't tell you what kind of people they are. They are invincible dreamers. I love them. And I will miss them dearly.

Finally, thank you to all those who I've met on Google+. The community here has been so supportive that I don't even know how to say thank you. You all make Google+. Without you, this social network wouldn't exist. Your support for Google+, and for me personally is something I will never forget.

In the small firestorm which brewed after his announcement, there has been speculation that Google+ could be in jeopardy without his involvement; however, Google made a statement claiming that the service will continue onward.

Google's co-founder and CEO Larry Page had some glowing praise to share for Mr. Gundrotta. You can find that here:

Source: Google+ - Vic Gundrotta
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Sep 5, 2010
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Good. Will he please take Google+ integration into everything with him??

Can I like this post 1000 times?
Hopefully he's moving to Apple and takes the bloatware and walled garden with him

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