Verizon Wireless down in Southern New Jersey


Silver Member
Dec 18, 2010
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Southern NJ
Current Phone Model
Samsung Z Flip 3
First our power went out last night around 6pm due to a massive storm then I wake up to the power still out and no cell or data service. Thankfully our power came back on around 8:30 this morning. This is the time where you need a phone the most. We don't have a land line. We got rid of that years ago.

Storm causes Verizon Wireless outage in South Jersey
I hear ya. If the rumors are true about VZW activating the ability to call over wifi, it'll be a good day. At least that offers a bit more of a cushion for times like this. If you've got power and your internet is working, you could at least call under those conditions when cell service is down.
That would help. When we had a land line I always kept a regular phone handy in case of a power outage. Cordless phones are useless during a power outage to. I wonder if I should get a land line again.
Growing up in Kansas, we did the same thing. My parents are still there and still keep a corded landline, even though we always communicate via cell phones.
Must've been some storm...or vzw had a weak link..i remember when ike hit us..vzw stayed functional. Even gave us a month off of our bills ..but talk text worked had a few rough spots..

But they've been making huge changes in their infrastructure..