I kind of lean toward this reasoning below. But also, I thought it would be fun to play Devil's Advocate.)
That is awsesome that VZW is doing that. Glad to see my money used for something constructive and beneficial. However, at the same time, that money could be used for the network everywhere else or giving more areas 4G, and tightening up their network. I say that because:
1) There is more people not attending. Even if they put 4G in one area or tighten up one area, there are more customers in that one area than there are at the game.
2) The people at the game can still access the network.
3) There could still be other issues with everyone else not at the game accessing the network at the same time - Like people are doing right now. And really, how many outages have they had so far lately, even within the last couple months? I predict there will be another outage during the Super Bowl. I hope I'm wrong. But I jist have a feeling...
4) Quite frankly, more people not attending will be accessing it at the same time and, really, who attending will be accessing the network all that often? You pay upwards of 2-3k per ticket and you want to dink around on your phone? Really? And there won't be any other NFL game to check the score of. So...
lines. ( "King of the Self-Edit'" )