BeansTown106 with the help of Hashcode and several other developers have put together a method for updating your Note 3 to the latest Leaked OTA Kit Kat update without losing root! This is the first Rom and Root method combined for the VZW Note 3. For this to work you will have to be running any rooted 4.3 rom with safestrap. This will not work to gain root if you have already updated to the Kit Kat leak on the Note 3. However you can restore 4.3 via Odin then root and install SafeStrap if you have already installed the leaked build. This Rom is rooted with busybox, it is zipaligned, deodexed and odexed versions are available, init.d support has been added, and knox apks are removed.
To install boot into Safestrap and select the stock slot option, then wipe data and factory reset the stock rom slot, flash the nc2 4.4.2 rom in the stock slot, reboot into download mode, flash the nc2 firmware/bootloader package in odin (flash in the pda section and be sure to check autoreboot). Once installed you will boot back into stock rooted Kit Kat.