Verizon Droid Turbo Has Been Rooted?!

It all depends on if there's an exploit in the update. If not then either way is a no go.

But with root you could still block the update. I'd have to consider it, leaning more toward getting more with root than I will from the update.
It's apparently read-only and the developer wants $20 for it. We'll see what develops, but right now it doesn't appear worth rooting, much less $20 to do it.
Any Update on Real Root for the Droid Turbo?
Any Update on Real Root for the Droid Turbo?

There are image files a developer has been working on that have enabled hotspot, adblocking and Xposed, along with a few other tweaks.

Not true root, but that's pretty good. It's like half of what I want. I don't care enough about any of what's been done to shell out $20+ for it.
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