Verizon has a crazy back-to-school sale on a couple of phones right now. You can pick up the Droid X2 or the brand new Droid 3 on a BOGO (Buy One Get One) free, sale. This deal looks to be only for new customers, so perhaps this would be good for a new family plan of some kind. Regardless, perhaps they want to gut their inventory ASAP to clear room for the Droid Bionic.
Some folks have been bashing on the Droid 3 a little bit in the forums, and since the Droid Bionic is coming so soon, I can understand the hesitancy; however, the Droid 3 is still an excellent dual-core phone for people that need/want a slide-out keyboard and either don't care about or can't get LTE in their area. How many of you guys want to take advantage of this offer?
Source: Droid-Life and VZW
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