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Anyone else having problems with viewing/mounting disk after today's ota update? I am getting unreadable disk error on MacBook pro. Have not tried on windows machine yet.
I am having the same problem. Before I would mount the SD card through USB the normal way, but after the update the phone keeps showing up as a CDROM. There are a few files in the folder for installing verizon VCast software. I did try a new driver from Samsung, that didn't work. The phone just keeps "synching" any ideas?
This solved the problem for me, pasted from the other forum.
I updated my Fascinates this afternoon and am seeing same issue.
Seems to be related to some new 'Media sync' option.
I did some playing around and the following seemed to let me 'mount'
the phones as before. ( But I dont like it. )
Hoping for some direction from Verizon tech on
a) what is media sync ?
b) how do I turn off permanently If I dont need or want to use it?
Unplug phone from usb cable.
Then on Phone... Menu...Settings..USB settings
Change to ' Ask on connection'.
then press home button.
Plug in USB cable.
When prompted...Press 'Mass storage'.
Now wait...wait..wait. Took about 30 to 45 seconds.
Annunciator bar should have usb symbol. Drag it open.
Press usb connected....Press Mount..
My laptop now recognized the SD card on E drive.
Copy files as usual.
When done...Open Anunciator bar and 'Turn Off' USB storage.
Sometimes when connecting I would see 'Media sync connecting' to Cancel. So I'd cancel.
Research needed on this. Perhaps some new features ???
This solved the problem for me, pasted from the other forum.
I updated my Fascinates this afternoon and am seeing same issue.
Seems to be related to some new 'Media sync' option.
I did some playing around and the following seemed to let me 'mount'
the phones as before. ( But I dont like it. )
Hoping for some direction from Verizon tech on
a) what is media sync ?
b) how do I turn off permanently If I dont need or want to use it?
Unplug phone from usb cable.
Then on Phone... Menu...Settings..USB settings
Change to ' Ask on connection'.
then press home button.
Plug in USB cable.
When prompted...Press 'Mass storage'.
Now wait...wait..wait. Took about 30 to 45 seconds.
Annunciator bar should have usb symbol. Drag it open.
Press usb connected....Press Mount..
My laptop now recognized the SD card on E drive.
Copy files as usual.
When done...Open Anunciator bar and 'Turn Off' USB storage.
Sometimes when connecting I would see 'Media sync connecting' to Cancel. So I'd cancel.
Research needed on this. Perhaps some new features ???
That's how I did it. Works normally now - but that doesn't solve the problem of the driver being read as a CD ROM for syncing premium content.
I've officially lost all hope for Verizon correctly implementing updates. This is such a simple, outright stupid mistake, it makes me wonder if they aren't using janitors to bug-test these updates.
I have VERY little hope of this issue actually being fixed! I have made multiple calls and email chats to both parties and each is pointing the finger at the other. Each claims there is no "known problem". The last Verizon rep I spoke to actually suggested that I purchase an external SD card reader and remove the card from my phone to transfer files. I did get a credit on my Verizon account, though. I suggest everyone who is having this issue call Verizon and demand a credit...maybe then they'll acknowledge the problem. :angry:
Mine did this too. But after rebooting both and plugging and unplugging, something came up. A window with the Verizon Wireless logo on it, telling me to click okay to install new drivers. This has never happened before so I'm not sure if its something new or not?