Uploaded pics to facebook


Jan 19, 2011
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Enshrine I upload a picture to facebook it will be rotated our upside down. I did a google search and many others are having the same problem, I just never heard if anyone found a fix. A temporary fix is to re-save it in a photo editing app. I was wondering if there was an easier way. The wife and I are going to be having a baby in june and we plan to share a lot of pictures on facebook. Thanks for the help

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interesting. i have never had an issue. holding the camera vertical and taking pics and holding it horzontal with camera button on the top. they upload just fine.

edit: what version of FB are you on. the most up to date is 1.5.3. in version 1.5.2 they implemented a fix to get images to upload in the correct orientation. maybe you are using an old version?
open FB app, tap the top "FACEBOOK" text, hit menu, then info and see what version i is. if it is not 1.5.3, update it.
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It's not just a fb problem. Mine does this when I'm sending pics via mms, email, or anything else. For some reason portraits get rotated to the left. I'm not too sure about Horizontal ones, i think they stay the same.