Unreal Engine 3 Powered 'Dungeon Defenders' Arriving Soon

Well I would be patient but they already released this for the IOS and considering that open c language isn't all that different from what android uses Java I don't understand how a simultaneous release couldn't be acvhieved

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Well I would be patient but they already released this for the IOS and considering that open c language isn't all that different from what android uses Java I don't understand how a simultaneous release couldn't be acvhieved

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How many games are released on iOS and Android at the same time?

Pocket Legends wasn't released at the same time. It had been out since April and we just got it. It isn't just something so simple as porting code over, iOS has few devices and mostly the same hardware so it is easy to develop and program for. For Android they have a lot more to do because of all the different types of devices.

They said last night one simple play through for all the devices they had would be all that is needed so long as all went well, and obviously it didn't.

Also, Android will start on a newer version of the game than Apple users.

Read this:

Here are the changes so far for iOS patch 1.1 (all of these things are in the initial Android build that's going out in a couple days ).

Will continue adding to this list as we do more stuff:

*Raised Max Item level to 15, and Max Hero Level to 70
*Eliminated low cap on Speed stat and changed how the results of this stat are calculated
*INSANE Difficulty is much, much harder (and so is HARD)... good luck
*Rebalanced item drops to make super items harder to get
*Fixed some levelling & item farming exploits
*Adding GameSpy for multi-platform iOS-Android gameplay! And PC gameplay with Dungeon Defenders when that product launches. GameSpy supports Private Matches, Game Naming, Game Browsing, and an array of search filters.
*GameCenter support for private matches, and fixes for Inviting
*Better voice chat stability
*Many GameCenter & iOS crashes eliminated
*iOS 4.1 support
*Various new item drop types
*Big performance boost due to media optimization, and some code optimization
*Various gameplay tweaks for a better balance
*New Tutorial video explains the game in a minute, by default replacing the former interactive tutorial (though that's left in as an option)
*Performance scaling option for iOS, user can now reduce resolution and detail to further increase performance even more as they see fit
*Replaced on-screen Pause button with Character button which allows fast-healing, moved Pause button into character submenu
*Rebalanced item value ramp so that super-items don't sell for ridiculous amounts
*A brand new Campaign level & Challenge mission created specifically for high-level hero teams... because we appreciate the support of you hardcore defenders
* Lots of minor bug fixes and game tweaks too numerous to list here... (among the many, Targeting Dummies now print DPS as you're attacking them haha )
* Familiars re-added to iOS version
** Items now have a level requirement based on their quality, and also tell you which class is necessary to use them in the popup overlay

Will update this list as more is added. Looking forward to submitting this patch around the end of the year and having it in your hands as 2011 newly rolls in.

Now get back to playin'... you're gonna need mad stats to conquer the new INSANE mode missions!!


So they had to test all this stuff and make sure it is working before the iOS users got to give any feedback on how well it went. Be happy we are getting the updates first.
Well you would have a valid argument if device specifics made a difference but they don't you don't buy a pc game designed specifically around your dell or hp or acer nope just a pc version. Same here android is android no matter what device it sits on. The device ie droid x will scale programs based on its own hardware via its kernel

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Well you would have a valid argument if device specifics made a difference but they don't you don't buy a pc game designed specifically around your dell or hp or acer nope just a pc version. Same here android is android no matter what device it sits on. The device ie droid x will scale programs based on its own hardware via its kernel

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I think I am done trying to make sense of it all for you. You obviously believe that porting games from one iOS to the other when it comes to multiplayer games is as easy as copy and pasting code. There is no explaining to you or having you be patient. Hopefully the game is out soon so you can stop complaining.
Has anyone seen the game in the market yet?

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I can confirm that it isn't showing up for me yet. :/

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From their Twitter:

DD:FW on Android is still some hours away. Last minute testing. Sorry guys! (At least theres no 2 week submission process!)
On there website it now says download for android but it takes me to the iTunes store

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@barking thanks for the update man good thing there is no two week period I have a friend with the iphone and the game is buggy at least they can test it last minute for us and produce a better product when launched. I just wish they would have that info on the web page

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Lol barking meant varking stupid predictive text

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It's in the market now. Anyone buy it? If so is the video above really representative of the gameplay?