Twitter App for MAXX


Jan 22, 2011
Reaction score
For those who use Twitter, do you know of a good Twitter App beside's Tweetcaster?
I use the basic Twitter app and I am happy with it. I use it mostly news and tech info though.

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Okay, your talking about Twitter for Android? Yeah I have a few friends on it and love reading and catching up on the latest news, March Madness, etc. Thanks for your reply.
I use the basic Twitter app and I am happy with it. I use it mostly news and tech info though.

Sent from my DROID RAZR MAXX using DroidForums
Used to be called Toutier or something. Twitter said it sounded to similar so they changed it. I've tried others but I always go back to Plume. I love their widgets and they have great support.
Used to be called Toutier or something. Twitter said it sounded to similar so they changed it. I've tried others but I always go back to Plume. I love their widgets and they have great support.

I luv it thanks!

Sent from my DROID RAZR MAXX
Yes sir! Its not fully transparent. See pic
