ill let you know later today... my droid is out for delivery as we speak and i've got a tveristy server up and running so ill test it when i get my phone.
I have a tversity server up & running. I was able to stream music to my phone via the phone web browser & 3g but haven't been able to stream video yet. I also haven't tried locally over wifi.
Im going to modify tversity encoding settings and will report back if i find anything new.
If anyone can figure out how to do this that would be great!! Hopefully someone in here can post instructions.
How well does orb stream to the PS3? Thats the only use I have for TVersity.
How well does orb stream to the PS3? Thats the only use I have for TVersity.

Actually, if I have TVersity and Orb running on my PS3, the PS3 picks up both over the wi-fi and I can stream from both. I use TVersity on the PS3 though if both are showing. I use ORB to stream to my phone from the PC or to a web browser remotely. I don't know why I use bother, but I always have. I have not tried to use TVersity on the phone, but I have tried Orb, and it works fine.