Trying to buy Beautiful Widgets


New Member
Aug 6, 2010
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I am new here and hope someone can help me. I have searched and cannot find an answer. I am trying to buy Beautiful Widgets but every time I get Server Error and it won't go through. Has anyone else had this problem and if so, what can I do? Thanks
Thanks, I'll try that. I'm not sure if it's a problem with their app or my phone. When I enter all my info to buy and click save I get the error.
Did the scan and tried to buy it that way but I still get server error when saving info to buy. I guess it's just not meant to be. This is the first time I've tried to buy an app.
Did the scan and tried to buy it that way but I still get server error when saving info to buy. I guess it's just not meant to be. This is the first time I've tried to buy an app.

Don't give up. Try it again in a little while, see if it works for you then. Or try a different credit card.
Make sure the credit card you are using will allow purchases out-side of the USA. My Discover would not.

I've tried several credit cards and tried for two day many times. It has got to be a problem with my phone. I guess I need to go to Verizon and see if they can help. Thanks everybody for trying.
I had the same problem when I tried to buy BW a few days ago. Like the OP, I tried multiple credit cards. What eventually solved the problem was to log onto the Google store via my laptop and enter my credit card info there. Granted, I'm not a big fan of having that sort of data stored online... but credit cards do have dispute and other safety mechanisms built in (I work in finance). Anywhoooo... after I saved all that stuff online I went back to the Market and the purchase was EASY. You don't have to enter your cc info because the Market knows it via Google. Makes purchasing any apps a breeze. Maybe this will help you?? Good luck!!

edit: Thanks mod for reminding me this is Google Checkout, not Google store :)
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I've tried several credit cards and tried for two day many times. It has got to be a problem with my phone. I guess I need to go to Verizon and see if they can help. Thanks everybody for trying.

Sounds like you get to the market fine, and can find the app. Let us know what you find out from Verizon. shows my purchase history and is where you can edit credit card and other info too.
Tried updating Google checkout and that did not work. I can find the app and enter all my information but when I click save to send my order that's when I get the server error. I have searched and found other message boards about this error and it seems to be widespread. Others are having the same issue as me with other apps. Will see if Verizon can give me an answer but my guess is they will not know what's going on. Will let you all know what I find out.
Just wanted to let you all know I finally got it to work. All I had to do is sign on to my gmail account on my desktop and then it worked. Something so simple yet so frustrating. Thanks for all your replies.
Im having this error with the aniPet live Koi Pond. I've logged into my gmail account and tried two credit cards. I guess I'll go to the Verizon store later and see whats up.
I am getting more and more emails about such problems, server errors, etc. I hope Google is aware of that and is working on a fix
I just purchased Beautiful Widgets this morning and no problems. Figured I would add my .02 cents to the conversation.
All I keep getting is server errors, through the Market. i can directly to google accounts. Will Try again later!