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BTW, I'm keeping my X until I have another upgrade. Not worth paying more, plus more and more phones will continue to come out. No one will ever be able to get the lastest and greatest, because 31 days later, a new phone will be out. Just wait until what you really want comes out, you'll know when it's a revolution in android phones, trust me. Wait for this revolution before you splurge a little.
Correct me if I'm wrong but a dual core processor doesn't multiply the processor speed, it is still a 1ghz top speed (w/o overclocking) but you can run multiple programs/apps with out noticing a slow down. Basically you would have 1 core dedicated to system and the other to programs, which will speed things up but wouldn't make it 2ghz.
No, when there is a 1ghz Dual Core processor, it means that there is a total of 1ghz, but there are two cores, making processes more efficient. So why it is a lot better than regualar 1 ghz processors, it's not 2ghz. That would be better or close to some computers. I have an old laptop that might be 1.86ghz dual core. Again, this is an overall speed, not multiplying .98 x 2 cores to get 1.86.
If it is dual core clocked at a total of 2ghz, that's a different story. That means it's a 2ghz dual core.
Correct me if I'm wrong but a dual core processor doesn't multiply the processor speed, it is still a 1ghz top speed (w/o overclocking) but you can run multiple programs/apps with out noticing a slow down. Basically you would have 1 core dedicated to system and the other to programs, which will speed things up but wouldn't make it 2ghz.
Thank you. Looks like we posted at the same time. 1ghz dual core is 1ghz dual core. Not 2ghz. If this was the case, why would they advertise the 1ghz and not the 2ghz?
As for upgrading or trading in, if you're eligible for an upgrade, I would do it on a 1 year contract before Verizon changes their policy. If you have your X, wait until late Q2-Q3 to decide what to do, that's when most of the dual core's will be out.
I wont for svouple reasons one being im getting my droid x today from Verizon lol.
2nd there os allways a new phone these days none really impress much anymore. Better apps is what android needs.